Licensing and ordination of Nathan Runham – Chaplain, Australian Defence Force


On Friday, 29 June 2018, Eltham Presbyterian congregation was host for a special dual-focus night for the Presbytery of Melbourne North in recognising the ministry of Chaplain Nathan Runham. Don Elliott (moderator) led the service of licensing, and then ordination. Martin de Pyle preached for the occasion. We enjoyed an excellent ADF video presentation promoting Army Chaplaincy – “starring” our …

Ordination and Induction of Luke McSeveny

Officemoderator, news

Rev Andrew Bray Presbytery Moderator On Friday, 1st June 2018 the Presbytery of Geelong conducted the Ordination and Induction of Luke McSeveny into the Parish of Geelong West. Because the Congregation lost its suite of buildings in April 2015 by arson with a rebuild in process, the Worship service was conducted in the North Geelong Presbyterian Church premises. It was …

Dedication and Commencement Service for Rev Chris Siriweera as Ministry Development Officer


FRIDAY 1 JUNE, at Surrey Hills – one of the best sides of the church was on display. For the induction of Rev Chris Siriweera (as our new Ministry Development Officer), nearly a full house was present and we enjoyed sweet fellowship, great singing and the preaching of God’s Word. Testimony was given of the congregational love and respect for …

Rev Chris Siriweera – Ministry Development Officer


We congratulate Rev Chris Siriweera on his appointment as the new Ministry Development Officer for the Presbyterian Church of Victoria. The unanimous vote at the recent Urgent Meeting of Assembly on 19 March shows the high regard the Assembly has for Chris, and its strong opinion that he has the gifts and graces required to serve the church in this …

Ministry Conference at Presbyterian Theological College


Last week, many of our ministers attended the three-day ministry conference at the Presbyterian Theological College and were taught by David Cook, Alasdair Paine and David Jones. The focus was on the books of Philippians and Titus, as well as learning how to read and teach the bible and being prepared for the realities of life in ministry. The hall …

New Principal Presbyterian Ladies College – 16 February 2018

Officemoderator, news

PLC knows how to mark occasions in style. Wyselaskie Hall was overflowing with girls and staff of the entire senior school assembled, together with many invited guests. We witnessed the commissioning of the school’s 11th principal, Mrs Dawn Clements. Hymns of praise, prayer, vows and speeches of welcome flowed beautifully to form an impressive service. The Moderator of the church, …

Moderatorial Visit to the Canavans, January 2018

Officemoderator, news

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.”  Proverbs 16:9. After months of meticulous planning by both Alan and Fay Canavan and my personal office assistant (my wife Susan) the Whites set out for a week of fellowship, cross-cultural ministry exposure, and adventures on the high seas. The plan was to fly to Townsville, …

HCCC Christmas function


On the 6th of December, the Health & Community Chaplaincy Committee celebrated at its annual Christmas function for Committee members, HCCC Staff & PCV Associated Chaplains and special guests. Those attending and invited guests were: HCCC Convener: Rev Phil Court HCCC Co-ordinator : Mrs Kathy James HCCC Administrator: Mrs Anne Harvey HCCC members : Revs Phil Chang, Grant Vayne, Daniel …