Moderator and incoming Clerk of Assembly

Officemoderator, news

Rev Ian Hutton and Rev Cameron Garrett

At the recent meeting of the Commission of Assembly held on 7 May 2024, the Commission unanimously resolved to appoint Rev Cameron B Garrett (pictured on the right) to the position of Clerk of Assembly with a commencement date of 1 July 2024. We thank Rev Peter W Phillips for giving time, thought and energy in serving Christ as Acting Clerk of the Assembly.

Mr Garrett will be commissioned as Clerk of Assembly at a service of worship to be held in the Scots’ Church Melbourne on Sunday 21 July commencing at 2:30pm. All members and friends are welcome to join the service to celebrate this significant event in the life of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.

At the November 2023 Urgent Meeting, members of Assembly were unanimous in giving thanks to God for the faithful and dedicated service of Rev Dr John P Wilson as the Clerk of Assembly for 16 years. Dr Wilson resigned as Clerk to join the Presbyterian Theological College Faculty as the Lecturer of Church History & Practical Theology.

Rev Ian C Hutton (pictured on the left) was re elected as the Moderator for 2024-2025. We look forward to his continued leadership in the church and in the General Assembly and having him represent the Presbyterian Church of Victoria in the wider community.