Rev Philip Mercer
The Commission of Assembly authorised me to make a decision regarding the mode of meeting for the 2021 Assembly, taking into account all relevant factors relating to the medical emergency we currently find ourselves in with COVID-19.
Having discussed the matter with the Clerk and the incoming Moderator, I have formed the view that we need to meet again via Zoom, commencing 9.00am Tuesday 5th October 2021.
This decision is taken with regret, but out of a sense of necessity. It is our civic duty to respect the Chief Health Officer’s orders, and it is hard to see that the situation our state faces with the current outbreak will improve sufficiently to permit an easing of restrictions in time to hold a face-to-face assembly safely and responsibly. It is also our duty as leaders of Christian communities right across the state to act in a way that glorifies God, that sets a good example, and that promotes the common good. By sacrificing the blessing of a face-to-face meeting and opting for a Zoom format mode of meeting will greatly reduce human movement around the state, will contribute significantly to reducing the risk of further spread of the virus, and will set a good example, both to our own people and to the wider community, given our present circumstances. With the vaccination programme progressing steadily, we can have a reasonable expectation that in the new year, we may look forward to a return to in-person meetings of the Assembly. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Please reserve three days for the Assembly – hoping to manage all the business on Tue/Wed but holding Thu available – should we need it.
Every blessing and strength
Rev Philip Mercer