Last week the Principal of Belgrave Heights Christian School, Mr Andy Callow, welcomed members of the PCV Commission for Church Institutions onto the campus for a Reception and school tour.
Mr Callow, together with his executive team, graciously received the PCV delegation with the purpose of building warmer and more productive relationships between church and school.
The Belgrave Heights Christian School story is one of unexpected and undeserved blessings from God, as He took this school from the brink of closure to what it is today. And what is it today? A powerful witness to the love of Christ and the power of the Gospel that’s shared with nearly 470 families from the hills. It’s a beacon of light for the Lord Jesus Christ, and it has a deserved reputation for academic excellence. We are pleased to see this amazing progress of one of our Presbyterian schools.
Pictured here with Principal and his executive staff are members of the General Assembly Commission, two wives of members, the Chairman of school council, together with a representative of the Trusts Corporation/BIF.

Left to Right : Sarah Kelly, Richard Wilson, Andy Callow, Lance Davidson, John Wilson, Glenn Campbell, Robert Baldock, Dirk Jackson, Margaret Baldock, Dean Carroll, Iain Bramley, Graham Nicholson, Janet Nicholson, Trevor Cox, Sue White, Phil Daffy, Robert White, Juliette Krens

The guests enjoying a beautiful lunch prepared by the school chef

Dirk Jackson, the chairman of the school council, giving an inspired speech at the conclusion of the tour