Church Plant Report
There have been two Sunday services conducted at the Newington Uniting Church. On the first Sunday 30 people were present, and yesterday 47 (both figures including children). The core group is just over 20, the others having come through personal invitation, or through word of mouth information about the congregation. Visitors from a distance have included Len and Wendy Pearce (to bring our Coins for Mission box) and Colin and Alison Morrow from Mildura. A new notice board is being prepared by the Uniting Church, and part of it will be devoted to our congregation.
Donations were made to enable the Bibles to be purchased, and the offerings on the first two Sundays have shown strong generosity.
The communion roll is being established, and the session will now make arrangements for the first communion service.
We are grateful for the encouragement and prayerful support from within and without the Presbytery. One minister contacted us about a parishioner who has recently moved to the area, and she joined us in worship yesterday.
Allan M. Harman