

A large congregation gathered in Scots’ Church, Melbourne for the opening service of the General Assembly on Monday October 7 at 7:30pm, one in which Rev Ian Hutton became Moderator for a second consecutive year. As per last years’ opening service, the congregation were treated to a pleasing and robust musical accompaniment by members of Ian’s family which swelled the praise offered. Ian preached a powerful and helpful sermon based on Acts 17:22-34 entitled, ‘Our God who turns this world’s thinking on its head’. A time of fellowship and supper followed the occasion.


The second sitting on Tuesday morning commenced with worship and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper led by the Moderator. The General Assembly expositor was Rev Dr Davi Gomes (Presbyterian Church of Brazil & CEO of the Word Reformed Fellowship), who preached on Micah 4:1-8. He continued his expositions on the Wednesdaymorning from Hebrews 11:8-16 and then on the Thursday morning from Jeremiah 29:4-11.His preaching was illuminating, encouraging, and searching, and a great blessing to all, lifting our eyes to see the size of the hope held out to us in the plans and calling of our God.


The General Assembly paused to remember and give thanks to God for the lives and ministries of Rev Barry Oakes, Elder Norm Sharp, and Rev John Mercer who were all promoted to higher service during the past year. 


At various times during the week, several visitors and special speakers were welcomed, including:

Rev David Burke, Moderator-General PCA, Rev Lesleigh Hall, Clerk PCA, Rev Kevin Murray, National Director APWM, Rev Dr Stuart Bonnington, Superintendent PIM, Mrs Kathryn Gatt, Ministry Facilitator WMV, Mrs Jan Martin, Ministry Coach WMV, Rev Hiralal Solanki, Pastoral Coordinator IRFA , Mrs Roslyn Brown & Mrs Gaye McKenzie President & Vice president PWMU Vic and Mrs Cheryl Penberthy, Principal PLC.


  • Rev Dr Jared Hood (DipChrisStud, DipTheol, BTh(Hons), GradDipIS, GradCertTh, MA(Th), MTh, PhD) was appointed as the Principal of the Presbyterian Theological College (PTC) from January 1, 2025. Jared first commenced as a part-time lecturer at PTC in 1997, became full-time in 2008 and is currently the Acting Principal.  His appointment is vital for the ongoing ministry of the PTC and for the wider church, and so this was a matter of great thanksgiving for the General Assembly.
  • Dr Seung-Joo (John) Lee (BA, MA, PhD) was appointed to the position of Lecturer in Theological Studies at the Presbyterian Theological College, for a period of two years commencing on January 1, 2025. John has been an adjunct Lecturer in Theology there since July 2022.
  • Rev Ben Nelson (BA(Hons), GradDipEd, MDiv) was reappointed to the position of Lecturer in New Testament at the Presbyterian Theological College commencing on January 1, 2025. Ben has held this position after first being appointed to it in 2018.
  • Mr Nicholas Attrill (BEd) was appointed to the position of PCV Youth & Children’s Worker with the responsibility of leading and implementing the operations of the Presbyterian Youth and Children’s Committee.

The Assembly, with thanks to God, acknowledged the following people;

Rev Peter Hastie, the retiring Principal of the PTC, appointed by the General Assembly to that position in 2010 but took up the role in 2012. Thanks for Peter’s service in this way were expressed not only by formal motions during the business, but also at a special lunch on the Tuesday. There, speeches reflected on Peter’s leadership to the PTC and its benefit to the wider church. It was a fitting occasion to express thanks to Peter and his wife, Sue.

  • Rev Dr John Wilson, who at the end of 2023 resigned from his position as Clerk of the General Assembly to take up a position as Lecturer at the PTC. John served as Junior Clerk (1985-1994), then as Deputy Clerk (1994-2007), and most recently as Clerk (2007-2023). John’s contribution to the health and strength of the PCV is inestimable. A special afternoon tea was held to further express the thanks of the Assembly to John and to his wife, Paula.


The bulk of the General Assembly is taken up with the business brought before it by its committees. Apart from regular reception of committee reports, some of the more significant decisions among the many that were made by the Assembly included:

  • Acknowledging that long before the arrival of Europeans, under God’s good providence, the Kulin nations were placed in this land on which we now meet.
  • Acknowledging that the Triune God is the supreme Lord of all creation and has determined the time and the place of habitations for all the peoples on earth.
  • Adopting the Position (job) Descriptions for the Deputy Clerk of Assembly and the Assistant to the Clerks.
  • Adoptinga revised Code of Conduct for members of the church in the context of the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021.
  • Agreeing to the dissolution of the Tallygaroopna, Numurkah and Thoona congregations, as requested by the Presbytery of North East Victoria, permitting the sale of the properties associated with these congregations for the purposes stated.
  • Approving the setting aside of the third Sunday in October each year throughout the PCV to specifically remember the work of APWM.
  • Approving remits from the General Assembly of Australia (GAA) regarding certain standing orders for GAA meetings, amending Deacons’ vows on ordination, and clarifying the celebration of the sacraments by those who are not ordained.
  • Appointing an ad hoc committee to bring recommendations concerning the creation of a code of conduct for officers (ministers, elders, appointees) of the PCV to a later General Assembly.
  • Authorising the Clerkship committee to bring a nomination for appointment to the position of Assistant to the Clerks to the Commission of the General Assembly in May 2025.
  • Authorising the ad hoc New Entity committee to pursue its proposed consultation with the presbyteries prior to the submission of the proposal for approval by the General Assembly.
  • Authorising the Theological Education committee to employ another full-time PTC Lecturer (in Mission and Evangelism.)
  • Authorising the congregation of West Footscray to sell a property at 1/4 Alma Street, West Footscray by way of exchange.
  • Authorising the congregation of Melton to sell their current manse at 6 Asquith Place, Melton, for the purposes stated.
  • Clarifying the rules concerning meetings that are ‘held in private.’
  • Commending the ‘DaySpring’ events organised by the PWMU to the families of our church as an excellent way of promoting mission awareness among the children of our churches.
  • Consenting to the recommendation of the Trusts Corporation to apply the income from the Allan Bequest to the METRO committee instead of the Presbyterian Youth and Children Committee (based on legal advice that this is consistent with the purposes of the bequest).
  • Declaring its mind that the purchase of 690 Elgar Road, Box Hill North, for the utilisation of ministries of the PCV is a high priority and a matter of urgency, requesting therefore that the Board of Investment and Finance consider ways in which funds might be applied to bring about the purchase of the property within the next two years, authorising the Commission of Assembly to deal with this matter.
  • Directing the Ad Hoc committee on Deacons to develop a proposal to replace Boards of Management with Deacons’ Courts and report on its progress to the 2025 General Assembly.
  • Encouraging the women of the PCV to attend the Women’s Ministries Victoria masterclasses in March & August 2025 and the State Conference in September 2025.
  • Encouraging sessions to identify and support suitably gifted women who could lead a women’s ministry and/or could be trained as women’s pastoral workers.
  • Encouraging all congregations to subscribe to and make use of the APWM bimonthly prayer updates, both State and National, as well as the news updates in the PWMU newsletter.
  • Encouraging all congregations to adopt at least one missionary or missionary family to financially support on an annual basis, and to regularly pray for them.
  • Encouraging members of the PCV to subscribe to receive “Fellow Workers” through the sign-up form on the PCV website.
  • Encouraging sessions to consider the opportunities for ministry presented through the HCC committee for suitable and willing members of the churches.
  • Encouraging all Sessions, Presbyteries and the Assembly’s Business Committee to make use of fixed orders of the day in hearing from women in local and wider church ministry.
  • Encouraging the Archives committee to engage with the other committees and any other bodies that may have an interest in securing the property at 690 Elgar Road, Box Hill Nth.
  • Encouraging the Ministry Development committee (MDC) to finalise plans for training for gospel ministry coaches and the ministry development ‘The Track’ for church revitalisation.
  • Encouraging the MDC to further develop the ‘Presbytery Partnership’ model for revitalisation & renewal within the PCV.
  • Encouraging committees of the General Assembly to nominate suitable women for inclusion within their membership.
  • Encouraging ministers, elders and congregations to make good use of the Church and Nation committee’s series of papers on ‘How the gospel shapes our politics’.
  • Encourage all Sessions, Presbyteries and the Assembly’s Business Committee to make use of fixed orders of the day in hearing from women in local and wider church ministry.
  • Endorsing the further development of MDC’s ‘The Track’ through the introduction of the pilot program in the coming year reporting back to the 2025 General Assembly.
  • Endorsing the development of new initiatives for redeployment of sustentation funds asking the MDC to bring a recommendation to a future General Assembly for consideration.
  • Endorsing the intention of the Church Planting Committee to adopt various strategies that might help more churches in the PCV to become church planting churches.
  • Giving ‘in principle agreement’ to a proposal that the General Assembly make an offer of a grant (the details of which to be finalised at the 2025 Commission of Assembly) to Scots’ Church Melbourne, with the aim that this will settle a long-standing dispute over the Assembly Hall.
  •   Requesting the Church & Nation committee to prepare a report calling upon the Vic Govt to abandon its current gender affirming model for consideration at the 2025 General Assembly.
  • Requesting all members to prayerfully seek out potential candidates for appointment to the Presbyterian Care Victoria Ltd committee.
  • Requesting the Moderator to write to the Victorian Premier, the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council, lobbying for legal protection of the unborn from abortion, the elderly and sick from assisted suicide, and children from radical gender theory.
  • Requesting God’s blessing on all Australia’s First Nations peoples and for a future of mutual understanding and respect which transcends the history of pain and injustice that has been experienced, recognising that in parallel with colonialism God was pleased also to send the gospel call of his Son, through whom and for whom all things were made, and in whom all our futures rest.
  • Remitting (i.e. sending to Presbyteries to approve/disapprove) an amendment to PCV Code 4.31.2b affecting candidates for the ministry and the Safe Church Volunteer Approval process.
  • Remitting (i.e. sending to Presbyteries to approve/disapprove) an amendment to the PCV Code 3.40 affecting the election of Deacons.
  • Remitting (i.e. sending to Presbyteries to approve/disapprove) an amendment to the PCV Code 4.18.4 reducing the length of notice required for Presbyteries to meet urgently.
  • Remitting (i.e. sending to Presbyteries to approve/disapprove) an amendment to the PCV Code 3.38b affecting the election of Board managers.
  • Remitting (i.e. sending to Presbyteries to approve/disapprove) a proposal to form an ad hoc Committee to bring recommendations as to howthe PCV can fulfill a direction that has come from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
  • Urging congregations to pray for military chaplains in their unique ministry for the gospel to Australian Defence Force personnel in Australia and overseas.


Although the General Assembly was lengthy (finishing on Friday October 11 at lunchtime!), yet it was again marked by a united spirit reflected in Psalm 133:1, ‘How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!” This is no small blessing and stands as a wonderful fruit and evidence that God’s Spirit is at work among us.

This unity was more than evident too as the General Assembly earnestly commended the Moderator, Rev Ian Hutton and his wife Ann, in prayer to Almighty God with that He would bless and sustain them both with strength, health and peace during their next year of service and labour. 

And then, after prayer and the benediction and a song, the General Assembly was dissolved with the Commission of Assembly set to meet on May 6, 2025 and the next General Assembly set for October 6, 2025,

Thanks be to God for His many blessings!

Rev Philip Burns

Acting Assistant to the Clerks