Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving Notes from GAV 2021


Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

(From the minutes of the 2021 General Assemblies)

‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.’

(1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


Australian Presbyterian World Mission (Vic) Committee

Responsible for Victorian Presbyterian missionaries and assisting in their support on the field and during Home Assignments, maintaining Partner Agency and Partner Church relationships, promoting mission work and our missionaries within the congregations of the PCV

  • Pray for the work of the committee, in particular, that the committee would have godly wisdom in all its undertakings.
  • Praise God for the missionary team and commend to God those who serve the Lord Jesus as part of that team.
  • Encourage all churches to pray regularly for APWM missionaries wherever they are, asking the Lord of the Harvest to send out more labourers and that his church may be enabled to set them aside and fully support them.
  • Give thanks for God’s blessing upon the Coins for Mission program, the participating churches, and the extra support provided for the committee’s workers in times of need, and encourage other churches to join.
  • Praise God for the committee’s relationships with PTS India and the Partner Churches of South Sudan, Malawi, Zambia, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Vanuatu, Ethiopia, North India, and Japan.
  • Praise God for the work of the PWMU State Council and branches in their support of missions.
  • Thank God for the ministry of the APWM National Office in Sydney and encourage the wider church to extend financial and prayerful support for the ministry of the APWM National Director, Rev Kevin Murray.
  • Pray for the Moderator and his wife, who will visit and encourage one or more of the mission team in the field in the coming year.
  • Pray that the committee will be able to find suitable and skilled replacements during the year to replace key members retiring under the 9-year rule at the 2022 Assembly.


Ad hoc Enactment of Presbyterian Care Victoria Ltd Committee

Responsible for interacting with the State on issues that impact the PCV and educating the PCV about those issues

  • Give thanks to God for the pastoral advice given by the Moderator General Rev Dr Peter Barnes in response to the passing of the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020.
  • Give thanks to God for the engagement of the GAV Moderator and members of the Church and Nation Committee in presenting the church’s response to the Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020.
  • Pray concerning the recent Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill, seeking that the Bill will either be abolished or amended to remove restrictions on the freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, freedom of choice, and parents’ rights.
  • Give thanks to God and pray for the committee as it has sought to present the claims of Christ and Christian concerns and perspectives to members of Parliament and other leaders in the community.
  • Pray for the work of the committee and its members, praying that God will continue to equip and guard committee members in this challenging ministry.
  • Gives thanks to God for the hard-working and dedicated researcher, Moira, the secretary, Ian, and all members of the committee.
  • Give thanks to God for the generous donation of funds received thus far to seed the video project.
  • Encourage all sessions to become familiar with the (Revised) Victorian Institutional Child Safe Standards and pray for the boldness of all Christian churches and institutions to remain faithful to biblical teaching on sexuality and gender.


Ad hoc Enactment of Presbyterian Care Victoria Ltd Committee

A temporary committee responsible for transferring Kirkbrae from the Social Services Committee to the Board of Presbyterian Care Victoria Ltd

Pray for:

  • The wellbeing of Kirkbrae residents, staff, and management, and the members of this committee.
  • The provision of an appropriately experienced health professional to join the committee/board.
  • The continued improvement in the financial situation for the betterment of the Kirkbrae residents and staff.
  • The wellbeing of staff members who were made redundant, many of whom had a long association and commitment to Kirkbrae.

Church Planting Committee

Responsible for establishing new congregations within the PCV

  • Thank God for the Officer and Donnybrook church plants, praying for their continued establishment.
  • Praise God for the changes to the requirements made by the Local Government Area prior to the VCAT hearing for the Officer church plant’s use of the land.
  • Pray for the Church Planter Evangelist and presbyteries as they meet over the coming year with the Church Planting Committee, seeking to ‘encourage and assist presbyteries to establish new congregations’ and to help ‘develop and maintain strategies for the establishment of new congregations’ (regulations 4a and 4b).
  • Pray for the Ministry Development Committee and Church Planting Committee as they seek to bring a recommendation to the 2022 Assembly concerning the distribution of Scots’ Church Property Trust funds for the work of Home Mission and Church Extension.


METRO (Ministry Equipping, Recruiting and Training Organisation) Committee

Responsible for recruiting, training and equipping gospel workers through traineeships within the PCV

  • Thank God for the METRO, EquipMETRO, and YouthMETRO graduates who have been trained for living for and serving Christ through their traineeships.
  • Pray for all the present trainees to grow to be more like Jesus and to think and serve like Jesus.
  • Pray that God would continue to raise up many more METRO, EquipMETRO, and YouthMETRO trainees and that he will raise up future gospel workers, pastors, and evangelists from among them.
  • Pray that the partnership between MTS and METRO will continue to enable more METRO trainees in the future.

Ministry Development Committee

Responsible for promoting the health of congregations more than 5 years old, and home mission charges and special interest congregations of any age

  • Commend the work of Rev Chris Siriweera in the role of Ministry Development Officer and pray that his efforts would help others bear fruit as God’s fellow workers.
  • Thank God for the provision of the Thompson Trust and for the work of evangelism that has been funded in the past year and request prayer for the Lord to draw all his people to himself (John 6:44).
  • Give thanks to God for the Kingdom Come Online Prayer meetings that have been held to date and encourage ministers, home missionaries, and elders to attend, when possible, future Kingdom Come Online Prayer meetings.
  • Give thanks to God for the continuing gospel ministry and congregational life in the Presbyterian Church of Victoria reflected in the 2020 Statistical Returns.
  • Pray for conversions, for the raising up of new elders, and for the Lord to bless the work of church revitalisation that is being carried out across the state.


Safe Church Committee

Responsible for overseeing the Safe Church Unit and its employees, advise the courts of the PCV on compliance to State and Federal laws and any non-compliance to Safe Church policies and procedures

  • Give thanks to God for the work of those who operate and manage this important ministry: Fiona and Ian.
  • Give thanks to God for the members of the committee.
  • Give thanks to God for the commitment to safe ministry practices by faithful servants across the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.
  • Pray that God would bless PCV endeavours to make its churches safe places for all.

Theological Education Committee

Responsible for the oversight of the Presbyterian Theological College in Box Hill

  • Pray that God will enable the Presbyterian Theological College to return to face-to-face lectures and meetings to strengthen fellowship and the bonds of unity in Christ.
  • Praise God for the provision of a gifted team of adjunct lecturers who ably support the College, staff, and students.
  • Thank God for the competent, gracious staff that support the students and PTC faculty.
  • Praise God for the gifted students and candidates preparing for gospel ministry at PTC, and pray that they will continue to grow in the knowledge of God and love of his Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Ask Christ to continue to give gifts to his church in the form of faithful and godly men and women who are willing to serve his people in gospel ministry.
  • Give thanks to God for the service of the Principal, Rev Peter Hastie, and the blessing that he has provided to the students, staff, faculty, TEC, and wider PCV.


Defence Force Chaplaincy Committee

Responsible for nominating chaplains for service within the Australian Defence Force and promoting such service within the PCV

  • Give thanks to the Lord for the exuberance of Rev Bryce Wiegandt as he moves to South Australia and embarks on a long and faithful ministry of chaplaincy in the RAAF.
  • Pray for the Assembly’s ADF chaplains as they engage in all facets of life with the men and women of the ADF, that they may be the presence of Christ in the midst.

Exit Students Committee

Responsible for placing final year candidates for ministry in charges

  • Thank the Lord for his continuing provision of candidates for ministry in the churches of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, and ask him for his blessing on those taking up exit appointments in early 2022.

Petition related to ‘boat people’ in PCV congregations

  • Acknowledge the dire situation faced by ‘boat people’ who have converted to Christian faith among us but have not yet secured permanent residency.
  • Request prayer be offered regularly in all our congregations to almighty God on behalf of those people described above.


Ad Hoc Archivist Committee

A temporary committee responsible for recommending a new archivist to the General Assembly

  • Pray for the newly appointed PCV Archivist Michael Smith that he will be used of God in the service of the church and for the blessing of God’s people.

Social Services Committee

Responsible for the planning, development, administration and oversight of social services agreed to by the General Assembly, except Kirkbrae Presbyterian Homes

  • Pray for the Trusts Corporation and the Social Services Committee as they work together to ensure the administration of the trusts is aligned with the terms of each trust.

Selection Committee

Responsible for nominating members and conveners of General Assembly of Victoria committees, filling casual vacancies of those committees, and overseeing nominations to General Assembly of Australia committees

  • Thank Almighty God for the operations of the Assembly’s committees, boards, and councils in the 2020–2021 assembly year.

Women’s Ministries Victoria Committee

Responsible for supporting and growing women’s ministries within the PCV and assisting women towards maturity in Christ

  • Pray for the women in the church that they might continue to mature in Christ, be equipped to minister to others in the body of Christ, and be salt and light as ambassadors of Christ in the world.